My Dog is Huge

and how to collect 'em all

Hello hello!

Welcome to The Flying P, a weekly newsletter covering your Phipps Center for the Arts and anything else I might want to throw your way.

I hope you were able to have a little fun this weekend. Did you catch any Olympic breakdancing? If not, you 100% missed out. Sampling below.
It was…um…interesting? 😐️ 

Paris Breaking GIF by NoireSTEMinist

A+ to this Aussie for trying

This issue has…

  • A Busy Week at the Phipps
    Friday was nuts and here’s why

  • Fringe Recommendations
    you’ve got some choices to make

  • Busby Pics
    my dog is pretty cute y’all

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Busy and fun go hand-in-hand

Ever have one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong does go wrong? That was us last week at the Phipps.

I’m being a dramatic. Nothing major happened, but we had lots of little fires to put out, and by the end of the week the staff here at the Phipps was definitely ready for the weekend.

The payoff was Friday, though, when we had one of those magical Phipps days where the building is buzzing and people are having a great time and exploring art and catching up with one another, etc etc etc. It was lotsa fun.

In a single day, we had…

  • the conclusion of a week of Summer Arts Camps: kids sharing their newfound talents with family members, which is always a delight.

  • the opening of a new exhibition in the galleries: so many folks stopped by to share in the newest works being displayed by some amazing regional artists.

  • a contra dance workshop: the good people at Tapestry Folkdance Center brought a contra workshop to our black box. I was able to find time to poke my head in once or twice and it looked very fun. I’ll definitely be trying it the next time it comes around (sooooon).

  • The Drowsy Chaperone rehearsal: the building was so busy, our Drowsy actors were relegated to the Music Room (not really a relegation when the room is as nice as our Music Room, but you get my point).

  • a sold-out Mo Pitney concert: need I say more?

people milling in an art gallery

galleries were buzzin’

people rehearsing for a play

Drowsy team was workin’

a group of people dancing in a theater


a large group of people watching a country music concert

just give Mo a rug and a guitar

Friday’s building energy was awesome. Can’t wait for the next super-busy week! 😄 


The Fringe selections have been made!

I know I talked a lot in last week’s issue about the MN Fringe Festival and the upcoming encore week at the Phipps, but I can’t resist mentioning it again, as now we actually have the 5 productions that will be taking part. Here they are in order of performance:

The Flowers You Gave Me
Wednesday, Aug. 14th @ 7pm

An evening of dances that explore the fleeting, ephemeral nature of our lives as we seek connection, experience loss, and return to each other through the memories we carry with us.


The world's most beloved puppet comes to life in this humorous and heartfelt adaptation of the Carlo Collodi classic.


The Dumb Waiter
Friday, Aug. 16th @ 7pm

Two hitmen, Ben and Gus, are waiting in a basement room for their next assignment. The absurd, political, 1950's one-act by Harold Pinter comes to the Fringe Encore at the Phipps.

a postcard for The Dumb Waiter

Daddy Issues
Saturday, Aug. 17th @ 7pm

Daddy Issues is a solo show recounting Allison Vincent's caretaking for her father while also negotiating their complicated relationship and the demise of his memory and her childhood home.

postcard for Daddy Issues

Taken from the perspective of a life not worth living, but not worth losing, a dying horse climbs through his lack of value to find purpose in the world around him before it's too late.

postcard for A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies

Many folks have been asking me for my recommendation. This is an impossible task because all of these productions are wildly different.

If the Fringe sounds fun to you, I suggest seeing as many of these as you can. Make it a fun “collect ‘em all” thing for the week. The shows are, at most, 60-minutes long and I think we’ve priced them well.

Love dance? Wednesday’s show.
Have kiddos to please? Thursday’s show is for you.
Want a well-done classic? Check out Friday.
Into amazing solo shows? Swing by on Saturday.
Enjoy the quirky but impactful? Sunday’s matinee is perfect.

No matter your choice, remember: the Fringe by definition isn’t mainstream. Like all good art, these pieces may challenge you. That’s a good thing! Embrace the challenge and you’ll have a great time.

And as always, share your opinions with me next week. I always want to hear from you.

a piece of art in a gallery

artist: Jacob Docksey

my favorite gallery piece of the week
I really like how much this one has to take in.
Get to Gallery One and check out Jacob’s work.


Busby is in the house

In addition to recently becoming an Olympic breakdancer-in-training, I’m also a very happy dog guardian. My wife, Amanda, and I have a Bernedoodle and his name is Busby.

We’re 3 issues in, so I just thought you should know.

a man holding a Bernedoodle

yes, he’s that fluffy

a woman cuddling a Bernedoodle on the floor

yes, he’s that big

How much do you know about the Phipps?
Try The Flying C(rossword) and find out.

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Talk to you next week!

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