I Love Me a Selfie

and how you can yell at me via Tally.so šŸ˜±


Welcome to The Flying P, a weekly newsletter covering your Phipps Center for the Arts and anything else I might want to throw your way.

This issue hasā€¦

  • šŸ¶ Another Busby Pic
    you canā€™t escape them

  • āœ” A Survey Plug
    you know you want to fill ā€˜em out

  • šŸ—Ø Curtain Speech Talk
    blah blah blah

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Anatomy of a curtain speech

maybe 7 people said ā€œcheeseā€

This past Sunday, I gave a curtain speech before the Andrews Sisters show (which was wonderful, btw) and I talked the audience into taking a selfie with me. Did they have a choice? Probably not.

On Benā€™s List of Favorite Things To Do, the curtain speech is nowhere to be found. That being said, Iā€™ve been trying to give more of them this season, as they are an excellent way to let folks know whatā€™s coming up at the Phipps and how they can help this lovely organization.

Things I try to accomplish with the curtain speech:

  • Make the crowd smile (or even chuckle if Iā€™m lucky)

  • Plug 3 upcoming PCA events

  • Let the crowd know how they can help (financially or otherwise)

  • Introduce the thing weā€™re all there to see

If it takes me more than 2-3 minutes to make my way through that list: FAIL.
The last time Amanda saw me give one, she said ā€œBenā€¦too long.ā€ So yeah. Iā€™m working on the timing thing. Iā€™ll get there, I promise.

What are your thoughts on the curtain speech? Love them? Hate them? Want to give one with me? Hit reply and let me know.

would the Andrews Sisters show have happened without my curtain speech? thereā€™s no way to know for sure.

best-selling upcoming events this season by tickets soldā€¦

1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (previously: 1)
2. Cantus (previously: 3)
3. Silent Sky (previously: 4)
4. Underneath the Lintel, or: The Mystery of the Abandoned Trousers (previously: 5)
5. The SpongeBob Musical (previously: 6)
6. A Wurlitzer Red White and Blue Spectacular (previously: 7)
7. Cabaret Night at the Phipps (previously: 8)
8. Phipps Dance Company (previously: unlisted)
9. The Show Must Go On (previously: 9)
10. Stand-Up Junior (previously: 10)

best-selling upcoming events this season by percent sold
(i.e., closest to being sold out)ā€¦

1. Cantus (previously: 2)
2. Underneath the Lintel, or: The Mystery of the Abandoned Trousers (previously: 3)
3. Cabaret Night at the Phipps - winter (previously: 4)
4. Cabaret Night at the Phipps - spring (previously: unlisted)
5. A Wurlitzer Red White and Blue Spectacular (previously: unlisted)

as of 1/20/25

Survey saysā€¦FILL OUT A SURVEY

Have you ever scanned one of these QR codes after an event? If not, please do! It will take you to our post-show survey.

The post-show survey is SO IMPORTANT, as itā€™s the easiest way for you to tell us what you enjoyed about your time at the Phipps, what you didnā€™t enjoy (probably nothing, cā€™mon), and what you might like to see in the future. I read EVERY SINGLE ONE and seriously consider them when planning future seasons. Plus, theyā€™re anonymous, so you can really let us have it without worry. šŸ˜œ 

We use something called tally.so for this and it works pretty well (for being a free application). If youā€™re the one who purchases tickets (and have provided your email address), youā€™ll also get an email in your inbox with a post-show survey link.

These surveys are super easy to fill out and donā€™t take much time, so please do us a favor and fill one out after your next PCA event!

artist: Emily Anderson

my favorite gallery piece of the week
Youā€™ll have to go allllll the way upstairs to the Riverview Gallery to get an in-person glimpse of this beautiful piece by Emily Anderson. Itā€™s worth the elevator ride. šŸ˜€ 


The latest Buzz pic

ā€œPlease keep your curtain speeches to under 3 minutes.ā€
-Busby, probably

If youā€™re sick of pictures of my dog, I have one thing to say: TOO BAD.

Big ups to those of you who replied last week with your gaming comments, especially Alicia who said she occasionally breaks out the SNES and even the N64.
Thatā€™s going waaaay back!

Way To Go Thumbs Up GIF

I ran out of time this week for a Flying C(rossword). I beg your forgiveness.
Itā€™ll be back next Monday!

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  • Are you that friend? Subscribe here.

  • Interested in learning more about the Phipps? Find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or hit reply and let me know what youā€™re looking for. Iā€™ll help you find it.

Talk to you next week!

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or to participate.